A Lo.Co Kid's Perspective Series - High School Q&A
Recently, I had conversations with my kids regarding some of the tragic events in our nation. Some days it can be difficult to start a conversation with my son in high school. I found it is best to ask questions to receive complete sentence answers (if you know what I mean). So, I decided to ask my son a few questions to see how things were going in high school so far. He's shy so here it goes. I kept the questions short and easy.
Q: What are your favorite things about high school?
A: I like the independence. Also, I like getting to meet new people. My school has a large student body so it is easy to meet new people when you take a new class. There are a lot of interesting classes compared to middle school. My favorite class right now is Marketing. My teacher is the best.
Q: What are your least favorite things about high school?
A: I cannot stand testing!! Plus, there's a lot of pressure hearing how other students are excelling in all areas while also taking a handful of AP classes. It is so hard to keep up.
Q: What are the things you are most worried about in the near future?
A: That I will not be able to support myself. There are so many homeless people and it is a large problem. But, it does motivate me to become successful. I'm also concerned about diseases and it seems that there are much more cases of cancer.
It was nice to hear my son's thoughts. Every child is different. Some may rise and some may struggle. It is good to keep the communication open. I enjoy hearing about my kids' days with their silliness and all. Take a little time to go Lo.Co™ with family and friends by asking short and easy questions to start conversations.
What are/were your favorite things about school? Or, least favorite things about school? #ALoCoKidsPerspective
In memory of Stephen Hawking. Hawking was an indifferent student, preferring to spend his time playing board games and tinkering with computers.* Happy π (Pi) Day!
* Reference: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/stephen-hawking-dead-obituary_us_55e9fa97e4b03784e275e7c1?ncid=edlinkushpmg00000313
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Go Lo.Co (Life On. Cell Off™) with family and friends and get TALKING!
Kickoff with a Lo.Co Starter Set! We hope this helps you concentrate on the movement and Take a little time to go Lo.Co™. This set is wonderful for field trips, long road trips/flights, classrooms, workshops, events/parties, holiday gatherings, meetings and quiet days at home.
Lo.Co Starter Set contains:
• Lo.Co Device Bag (to store devices, 80 GSM premium non-woven polypropylene containing 20% post-industrial recycled content);
• Lo.Co Starter Card Pack (English Version, 54 conversation starter cards and kindness activities);
• Lo.Co Sticker;
• and Lo.Co Magnet.
• All printed in the USA