Thanksgiving Holiday is a day we all agree to be together with family, friends and anyone that just need a place to share a meal, laughter and feel loved. During this holiday we give thanks for all of the amazing blessings in our lives; we give thanks for our health; we pray for those not so fortunate and for those that are no longer with us. We come together as one, we forget our differences and focus on the love and support that helps us realize how much we need each other. Gratitude is universal; it has no color, no race, no religion; or one sided view, it unites us. We share our sense of gratefulness; we respect each other and allow each person to express freely who we are on Thanksgiving. I hope that we start to look beyond a ONE day Holiday and continue to give love, show kindness and feel grateful on a daily basis.
I want to share one of my favorite traditions during this holiday where our family and friends stands around in a circle holding hands and each person says what they are grateful for, we listen, laugh and cry and at the end breathe in this beautiful and cherish opportunity.
Thank you for all of your love and support you have given Life On. Cell Off™ throughout the year and we wish you all a healthy, loving and amazing Thanksgiving.
~ Mildred, Lo.Co Co-founder
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Be ready for your next event. Order a Lo.Co Starter Set for your guests to put their devices aside in the Lo.Co Device Bag and use the Lo.Co Starter Cards to start great conversations. Perfect for parties, dinners, office events or rainy days at home. There’s a Spanish version too.