A Lo.Co Kid's Perspective Series - Costa Rica Trip, No Phones! Vol. 1
Photo: Sofia with Arenal behind her during spring trip to Costa Rica 🇨🇷 - #costarica @sofiabbeltran
Being in Costa Rica was an amazing experience all around, but the part for me that made it amazing was not having my phone. When I was in Costa Rica with all of my friends and peers being completely disconnected I was infinitely calmer and even happier. Not being connected to a glowing screen waiting for the next notification, text or post was the disconnect we all needed. Not having my phone in Costa Rica made me more aware of my surroundings and the things going on around me, I made stronger bonds and connections then I would have if I had my phone. An example that really sticks out in my mind was in our home stays when we got to stay in the locals homes. When we got there the woman told me she had a WiFi router and we could feel free to use it, we went on to tell her our situation and we talked for hours. I realized after the trip if I had my phone would I have talked with my home stay family? Would I have gotten to know her the way I did? Would I have had the same experience? And I figured out soon after the answer was No. Granted, technology has it’s pros and cons but taking long breaks and getting isolated from technology was only a good experience for me personally and I wouldn’t have had my trip any other way.
~ Sofia Beltran, eighth grader / annual organized Spanish group trip to Costa Rica
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